Code of Conduct
The SalesValue Code of Conduct is one of the ways we put SalesValue’s values into practice. Please do read the Code and SalesValue’s values, and follow both in spirit and letter, always bearing in mind that each of us has a personal responsibility to incorporate, and to encourage other SalesValuers to incorporate, the principles of the Code and values into our work. And if you have a question or ever think that one of your fellow SalesValuers or the company as a whole may be falling short of our commitment, don’t be silent. We want – and need – to hear from you.
Who Must Follow Our Code?
We expect all of our employees and Board members to know and follow the Code. Failure to do so can result in disciplinary action, including termination of employment. Moreover, while the Code is specifically written for SalesValue employees and Board members, we expect SalesValue contractors, consultants, and others who may be temporarily assigned to perform work or services for SalesValue to follow the Code in connection with their work for us. Failure of a SalesValue contractor, consultant, or other covered service provider to follow the Code can result in termination of their relationship with SalesValue.
What If I Have a Code-Related Question or Concern?
If you have a question or concern, don’t just sit there. You can contact your manager, or your Human Resources representative.
Serve Our Customers and Users
Our users value SalesValue not only because we deliver great products and services, but because we hold ourselves to a higher standard in how we treat users and operate more generally. Keeping the following principles in mind will help us to maintain that high standard:
- Integrity
Our reputation as a company that our users can trust is our most valuable asset, and it is up to all of us to make sure that we continually earn that trust. All of our communications and other interactions with our users should increase their trust in us.
- Usefulness
Our products, features, and services should make SalesValue more useful for all our users.
- Security
SalesValue is committed to ensure our solutions has a high security standard.
- Responsiveness
Part of being useful and honest is being responsive: We recognize relevant user feedback when we see it, and we do something about it. We take pride in responding to communications from our users, whether questions, problems, or compliments. If something is broken, fix it.
- Take Action
Any time you feel our users aren’t being well-served, don’t be bashful - let someone in the company know about it. Continually improving our products and services takes all of us, and we’re proud that SalesValuers champion our users and take the initiative to step forward when the interests of our users are at stake.
Support Each Other
We are committed to a supportive work environment, where employees have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential. SalesValuers are expected to do their utmost to create a workplace culture that is free of harassment, intimidation, bias, and unlawful discrimination.
- Equal Opportunity Employment
Employment here is based solely upon individual merit and qualifications directly related to professional competence.
- Drugs and Alcohol
Consumption of alcohol is not banned at our offices, but use good judgment and never drink in a way that leads to impaired performance or inappropriate behavior, endangers the safety of others, or violates the law. Illegal drugs in our offices or at sponsored events are strictly prohibited.
- Safe Workplace
We are committed to a violence-free work environment, and we will not tolerate any level of violence or the threat of violence in the workplace. Under no circumstances should anyone bring a weapon to work. If you become aware of a violation of this policy, you should report it to Human Resources immediately.
- Protect Confidential Information & Intellectual Property
We protect and respect the business value of information and ideas, whether they belong to SalesValue or another company. We might lose our competitive advantage if we disclose SalesValues confidential information. We lose trust if we disclose confidential information we learn from the companies we do business with. Protecting information and ideas, whether our own or those of others, is crucial to our business success and builds our reputation as a trustworthy partner.
- Conflict of interest
We expect employees to avoid any personal, financial or other interests that might hinder their capability or willingness to perform their job duties.
Obey the Law
SalesValue takes its responsibilities to comply with laws and regulations very seriously and each of us is expected to comply with applicable legal requirements and prohibitions. While it’s impossible for anyone to know all aspects of every applicable law, you should understand the major laws and regulations that apply to your work. A few specific laws are easy to violate unintentionally and so are worth pointing out here:
- Trade Controls
If you are in any way involved in sending or making available SalesValue products, services, software, equipment, or any form of technical data from one country to another, work with your manager to be absolutely sure that the transaction stays well within the bounds of applicable laws.
- Competition Laws
SalesValue is committed to competing fair.
- Anti-bribery Laws
The rule for us at SalesValue is simple – don’t bribe anybody, anytime, for any reason.
Never resort to bribery, facilitation payments, kickbacks, or corrupt practices.
- Customer relationships
You should be careful when you give gifts and pay for meals, entertainment, or other business courtesies on behalf of SalesValue. We want to avoid the possibility that the gift, entertainment, or other business courtesy could be perceived as a bribe, so it’s always best to provide such business courtesies infrequently and, when we do, to keep their value moderate.